Creating a positive experience is essential

Whether you’re an unregulated or regulated utility company, you have to make decisions every day that impact your customers’ experience. You need a partner who knows the ins and outs of the energy industry and customer, and has the experience and technology to give you sophisticated market intelligence.

The energy industry, like all industries, has its challenges

Regulations, customer expectations, climate change, and emerging energy sources all challenge predictable growth. You need a partner with a strong understanding of this complex industry and the right solutions to help you address your challenges.

improving the customer experience

Customers interact with you in a variety of ways. You need to improve their experience in every aspect of their interaction. Getting to precise customer touch points requires an advanced methodology combined with the latest technology.

getting closer to your consumer

Going beyond basic interaction and understanding what motivates and delights your customers is essential. Strong brands embraced by customers will always enjoy better margins and greater brand perception.

revenue growth

Finding ways to grow revenue is challenging. Your customer will purchase new products and services, if you create a strong value proposition and know what they need.


Benefit from the impact of social research

Faster, less expensive and better quality than standard research, your own panel of utility customers can be a versatile and powerful knowledge system to understand your brand and your customers; and inform your decision-making across a variety of business issues.


Crafting a positive experience

Understand your customers experience at the brand, journey, and/or transaction level, with seamless integration with other internal and external systems. Our Agile CX approach ensures feedback from all customer groups, even the “silent majority” that don’t proactively engage often.